We wish to purchase 100 hours of flight time to cover a 12 month period. The full amount agreed would be paid into escrow to protect both you and us
A maximum of four passengers in addition to the pilot(s)
Ideally we need a plane with a lavatory capable of a realistic 1,000 nm at 350kts without refuelling.
If you have several planes we could taylor the plane to match the trip eg a Phenom 100 with no lavatory for UK trips.
All of the following are between 300nm and 1,000nm
Jerez in Southern Spain
Tallinn in Estonia
Aberdeen in Scotland
Faro in Portugal
Bergen in Norway
Innsbruck in Austria
Warsaw in Poland
Prague in Czech Republic
Inverness in Scotland
Lerwick in Scotland
Plymouth in England
We may well wish to visit briefly eg we depart Hawarden at 9am on Tuesday and leave Tallinn at 3pm local time on Thursday
Or just drop us off and come back a week or so later
Trips within the UK will always return the same day eg depart Hawarden 9am to Aberdeen and depart Aberdeen 3pm to Hawarden
Overseas trips: any plane with a lavatory capable of a realistic 1,000 nm at 350kts without refuelling
Internal UK trips: any plane capable of say 500 nm at 300kts
To save us wasting each others time, it would be simplest if you just indicated the type of plane(s) you have and how much you would require for 15 trips to Tallinn in 12 month period where the schedule is, say:
Tuesday 9am Depart Hawarden to Tallinn
Thursday 3pm (local time) Depart Tallinn to Hawarden
This figure needs to include ALL costs such as fuel, landing fees, pilots, airport plane parking, pilot fees and expenses and so on. No hidden extras please! >
We can then immediately tell you whether this works for us in principle and if it does we can then draw up a detailed agreement
Bob Cory - see "Contact Us" above
Modified on 14/12/2023 at 12:25:32 by Bob Cory - 'wavering' on pprune.com