Big industrial sites up to £10m freehold or 999 years. I do NOT buy sites on the remains of a 99 year lease.
If it is by the side of a busy road with parking, then fine eg tyre depots, Iceland, B & M - the usual suspects
I sold Pontefract at the end of 2018 because I had a complex position with a Joint Venture partner - the property itself was fine and I would buy another one at the right price
Freeholds of 10,000 sq ft and upwards at prices which reflect the devastation in the retail sector
Yes - but it depends on size, position and contamination
Probably not unless the risk is well defined or it is so cheap it is hard to see how we can lose - contamination is a regulatory disaster area and likely to get worse.
We are currently looking to buy 100 hours of Jet time with the intent of doing overseas deals within a radius of 1,000 miles of Manchester - see Aviation above.
* Big industrial at market prices
* Big vacant retail at "give-away" prices
* Big tenanted retail at realistic prices
* Roadside Investments eg KwikFit, Iceland, B & M, Travis Perkins - the usual suspects
* Within 1,000 miles radius of Manchester - 2.5 hours by private jet so day return is practicable
Modified on 14/12/2023 at 12:21:31 by Bob Cory